Risk Management – News2024-07-03T11:00:26+01:00


ISBA 2024 Headline Sponsor Announcement

March 20, 2024|Education, Risk Management|

The ISBA Conference is always such a fantastic event. It is committed to engaging with delegates through an energising and informative programme of speakers and facilitating networking and business opportunities through a vibrant exhibition and interactive programme of social events.

Winter Weather Advice

January 20, 2024|Risk Management|

I’m sure you are all aware of the cold weather conditions that we have been blasted with over the past week! Currently, we are receiving several calls regarding potential snowfall and further icy conditions.

Fire Door Saftey Week

September 25, 2023|Risk Management|

This week serves as a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility to safeguard lives through heightened awareness. Our mission? To unearth ill-fitted, damaged, or neglected fire doors and ensure that every building boast fire doors that are not just present but precisely fit for their life-saving purpose.

The Management of Asbestos in Schools

August 5, 2023|Education, Risk Management|

From September 2022 to March 2023, HSE carried out over 400 inspections of primary and secondary schools across England, Scotland and Wales to assess how they are managing risks from asbestos. The inspections showed that most schools were complying with their legal duties and had effective systems in place to manage and monitor the condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

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